By Eman Hassan on Wednesday, 31 May 2023
Category: Blogs

An Other Cliff Note


sounds so simple when said this way: develop your dreaming body

on the asleep side first, which by of its own volition will begin to come

out to roam in the physical world when you are asleep in the dreamscape.

A simultaneous inversion of sorts. Over there and over here become

only one field without a divisive fence. Think about it. No: feel it

in your energy and think about it:


                                                                                                                                            your can slip your awareness into your Other                      which knows no limitations, no boundaries of time or space, your Other can also slip into you. It isn't a camera one or camera two situation. Nor what Castanedas called the third attention (not that he was a practicing shaman). It's much more singular, like an unlearned position of infants, how the true nature of a light particle relays through a quantum physics lens, where being in two places at once is a natural state. 

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