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  2. I am Dragon King Allah Buddha Masta Killa of Sri Lanka. I am Lord of Shamans and the First Male Shaman to ever exist. I have hundreds of millions of Worship and Sex Mothers who are all divine Earth Goddesses. I have no father. My First Worship and Sex Mother is the Hindu Goddess Kali Ma and She is the Sun. She is ALSO the Virgin Mary, and She is Earth Mother. She is ALSO the Goddess Yalyamamma and She is the Moon. She is ALSO the Buddhist Goddess Tara Ma. She is ALSO the Hindu Goddess Shakti. She is ALSO the Hindu Goddess Saraswati. She is ALSO the Hindu Goddess Durga Mata. And, She is ALSO the Hindu Goddess Kumari. She is the Supreme Being of ALL Existence, and I am her only child ever. I am the ONLY child of Earth Mother ever. I am OM Buddha - I am the source of ALL Shamanism, Yoga, and Kung-Fu. As I said earlier, I am Lord of Shamans Allah Buddha Masta Killa. Buddhism is the Original Religion of Shamanism - it originated in Sri Lanka. ALL Shamanism originated in Sri Lanka. I was born, in THIS life, 357 Trillion years ago. I found Nirvana at age 2.
  3. When it comes to finding or connecting with spirit animals, the experience can be highly personal and unique to each individual. Based on what you’ve shared, it sounds like you might have discovered two spirit animals during your meditation: the wolf, with which you have a strong and long-standing connection, and the buffalo, which seems unexpected to you. Seeing two spirit animals isn’t uncommon, and it doesn’t necessarily mean you weren’t relaxed or were trying too hard. Sometimes, different animals can represent different aspects of your life, energy, or journey. The wolf may symbolize qualities like loyalty, intuition, and a deep connection with instincts, which aligns with your existing sense of connection. The buffalo might represent something new that’s emerging in your life, like abundance, groundedness, or resilience. Instead of being concerned, consider embracing both animals as part of your spiritual journey. The presence of two animals could suggest that you’re being guided in different ways or that you need to balance different energies within yourself. It’s great that you’re open to exploring and learning more about this path. Continue with your exploration whether through meditation, reading, or discussing with others. Each step you take helps deepen your understanding and connection with these guiding forces. Remember, the journey is personal, and there’s no right or wrong way to experience it.
  4. I've dealt with this for most of my life, but it got really bad last year. Now I can feel this entity moving over my skin, and I'd really appreciatr help with removing it.
  5. You can just recap it the same way as any experience. The connections formed with your energy are the key.
  6. How to recap something not experienced in 'reality': Can we use shamanic techniques to explore and understand events or situations that we have not directly experienced in our physical reality?
  7. Looking at the path intent takes is often fascinating, for example I am wondering if we would have any shootings if the 49ers had won the superbowl, probably not for what I can see. Would that be a good reason for them to win instead of the chiefs? Could be imo, and it's not a sport's reason. Everything is so interconnected all the time. We have to really look at the big picture. Yesterday before riding my bike to work I saw an issue with it, I had a flat tire the night before but the tire was fine that morning holding air well so I decided to give it a go but created an intent to get to work safely and on time. Then half way down the path I hit Valencia st. right before 16th and I get a flat, probably the same issue than the night before, I get my small pump put some air in the tire, it works but I can't get enough pressure, I am thinking it's the valve. So I walk the rest of the may manage to get to work on time. I talk about this with G at work and she mentioned a good bicycle shop on Valencia st. "Luckily" I get cancellations so now I have an hour and a half free. I get my bike there it was just a 5' walk. They do work first come first served not appointment, perfect! The guy I talk to diagnosed it the same, valve issue so we decide to change the tube. I wait 15' thinking it's done but he said my brakes needed adjustments. Do it as soon as possible. I am thinking "oh there is the real outcome..." I changed the pads but did not adjust the brakes properly a couple weeks ago. I told him to keep the bike until 5pm and do the adjustment. Now I have a very safe bike, the adjustment is perfect, much better than what I would have done. Intent often follows a bumpy road but it's never boring , it's a great family bicycle shop too I am happy I found it. C
  8. Hi Infinity, I know this is not easy for many but just try, whenever you feel overwhelm, dread or anything you are feeling try to watch it, feel it then surrender into it, to me there is no point of resisting and fighting. The reason that I say watch it, you are trying to establish two persons in you, someone that is the watcher and someone that's being watched, its all you. Once you can separate yourselves, then you slowly detach and realized that you have the power to stop it and then healing and recapping becomes easy. Intending for you to find peace.. Belle
  9. I dont want to die is just I cant anymore. I cant anymore
  10. I really think tomorrow to go and die. I cant anymore be like this. this is not me
  11. I really think tomorrow to just go and die. I cant live like this anymore from the triggers. it fries my brain literally and brings me in fire activates part of my brain that are certain pathways and is conditioned. My brain is fried totally. I cant live like this anymore.
  12. with the breathing is triggers that created. I was doing alright and then they have conditioned me though masonic rituals when I hear an alarm ot be in a frantic state and anxiety. I cant breathe and my mind is very angry for msoemthign that someone did to create that connection. I cant live like this anymore. I am thinking now to die. thats all I want ot find soem peace from all that trigger this isnt me even now. Is conditioned and I cant anymore. All I think is to just die and find soem peace.
  13. Hi Infinity, I am glad to hear that you had a bit of a breakthrough. Understanding the recap as an energetic movement vs a mental exploration of your present and past is what makes all the difference in the end. Healing is an intent, your intent, and at first an intent to recover your personal energy. Think of it as finding home in yourself, a home that is not attached to anything around you. I know it sounds a bit drastic and lonely but in the end it is the best position to create healthy relationships with people and the world around you. So finding, building home in your energy is essentially a grounding movement by grounding I mean grounding what is not yours. When you practice the recap connect with the earth first, keep it simple, just feeling your feet on the ground or your seat, this should help you reach a calmer place to breath from. Then from that position start recapping your day and follow the memories and connections that come up, keep your head movement slow and relaxed. Do this with the intent to gather back your energy from those memories. When the breathing is difficult, if you can, notice what emotion(s) lies behind that difficulty and start recapping the emotion itself. In a way recap whatever presents itself when you do the practice, especially the emotions. We sometimes think recap does not work because the experience is a bit chaotic or at the opposite boring but by recapping those very experiences you can create some momentum and move into the energy of your memories. That movement is guided by your intent not your mind. As usual when things are too overwhelming take a break and come back at it later. It is a long term practice so find your own rhythm with it, I started recapping in 2007 and teaching it since 2015. I still do it everyday, it's been my companion practice and it will remain as such because it is my intent to do so. C
  14. Hallo Cyfnos, I was just in a very bad place and after I read about the recapitulation of what you said in the post, I start doing it and had effect as I let go and was feeling and following the momentum of what memory was coming up and start feeling again. My energy feels really bad at the moment that I barely can usually breathe from triggers they have created to go into my head. My energy from trauma now feels all over the place not grounded at all but at least I can feel it and many stings watched in my head felt released. I dont know what has happened to my energy from some people buy has been damaged. I hope I will be able to heal.
  15. I think the posting images thing is fixed now! Thanks! Lorrie
  16. We're sorry about the outage, there are still some lingering problems with the forum installation. We hope to have all the issue resolved soon, but in the meantime you still cannot post images. niteshad
  17. We're sorry about the outage, there are still some lingering problems with the forum installation. We hope to have all the issue resolved soon, but in the meantime you still cannot post images. niteshad
  18. Maybe try it now? I went in to the Recap 3 forum and made a test post and it seems okay. There were 0 posts there so I'm not sure if that was the issue or not.
  19. Hi Gary, I can answer on this forum but when I tried to submit a post on recap 3 forum I get an error message 403 Forbidden Access to this resource on the server is denied!
  20. Greetings, Shamanscave and its forums have moved to a new hosting provider. Unfortunately, it took a few days longer than anticipated and you may notice if you posted recently your post is missing. I apologize for that, but rather than risk moving and over writing a database with current data we need to just pick up from here and move on. So if you had made a important post to the forums since 12-12-23 you might want to add it back. Don't worry, the last time we changed hosts was well over ten years ago, so doesn't happen every day. gary
  21. HI DB, I've sent you a private message, if you want to discuss what's on your mind. Welcome, Lorrie
  22. Hello DB, It can be like that for some people- a sudden awakening, and often happens when your own energy calls out to you at the right time, whether you felt ready or not. For others it’s a more gradual process. Feel free to PM me if you’d like, I’m happy to answer any questions you have. We are shamans of the Maker tradition, come from all over the world and call ourselves makers, however energetic truth is energetic truth across the board, as you’re discovering. Eman
  23. Hey DB, Welcome to the forums! I'm just a student, but the shamans here do read the forums as well. If you have some more general questions I'd be glad to assist. Thanks, Alex
  24. I am a 44 years old man, and I am experiencing a massive shamanic awakening in the last few weeks. Im reading books and listening to pods and audios about the topic. But this is not even close to whats going on. I need someone I could safely exchange some personal thoughts with. I want to confirm things and aask for further directions. Will appreciate to be contacted by an exeprienced person who has been into shamanism for a considerable amount of time and who feels a pull of intuition to reply to me with honest willingness to assist. Much appreciated it advance. DB
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