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Two spirit animals?


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First, let me apologize if this is a repeat. I searched the forums a bit and did not see a duplicate.


I listened to a meditation for finding spirit animals. I have long been connected to wolves. I think that their nature and mine are very similar. I have always thought of my spirit animal as being a wolf. When I did the meditation, I found myself seeing two animals. One was the wolf, and the other the buffalo. I was actually fairly surprised by the buffalo because I have never felt connected to this animal really. I am just confused why I was seeing two animals.


Was I not relaxed enough?


Was I trying to hard?


Any comments or suggestions are welcome as I am new to this journey.

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Hi Nukemm -


The Makers don't work with spirit / power animals per se. We see that kind of imagery as metaphorical, and our intent is to move behind metaphor to the energy behind everything. Aside from that, I would say we view all things as valuable, each having its own lessons.


Animals are not concerned with humans necessarily unless they see us as a threat, a companion (in the instance of domestication), or food. To assume a bear, for instance, would wish to bestow its wisdom on a human is doing the bear a disservice. The bear has its own energy and intent.


All that having been said, it can be of great value to study any and all other beings, and in that way learn a lot more about how the universe works.


We have no issue with someone wanting to identify with, or use, an animal as a symbol, however. It's just that we don't seek them as spirit / power animals.


Enjoy your journey!



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I see. Thank you very much for this input. Because I am new and I've seen so many things about power animals or spirit animals I thought that this was the first step into the journey (finding your spirit/power animal). As a matter of fact I have seen many discussions on this topic and guided meditations for this specific purpose so I just thought it was a stepping stone to this journey.


I guess I have a lot of things to figure out. I will try and look for some books or articles on this forum or website that might help me.


Thank you!

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You're welcome, Nukemm. Please do search as much as you'd like. Perhaps something about the Makers will appeal to you. There's a great deal of information here.



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First, let me apologize if this is a repeat. I searched the forums a bit and did not see a duplicate.


I listened to a meditation for finding spirit animals. I have long been connected to wolves. I think that their nature and mine are very similar. I have always thought of my spirit animal as being a wolf. When I did the meditation, I found myself seeing two animals. One was the wolf, and the other the buffalo. I was actually fairly surprised by the buffalo because I have never felt connected to this animal really. I am just confused why I was seeing two animals.


Was I not relaxed enough?


Was I trying to hard?


Any comments or suggestions are welcome as I am new to this journey.


I'd suggest exploring things more, see why those are popping up. Sometimes, we get distracted by the "what" when the "why" is more important (though also more difficult to figure out). Also, the unexpected can happen for a reason - it can be very valuable to jolt us out out of our expected results in something and force us to reevaluate our premises.



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Hi Nukemm,


I think the maker approach to look at energy directly helps avoid common problems. By looking for the direct energy we take away the ability of the mind to misdirect us somewhere else. For example when I dream or see things and it is visually crowded with people, animals or even places I shift away from what I "see" and connect more with the emotions present so that's one layer down, then things change often the imagery disappears and I start to understand better. When your emotional body is speaking you can see where inside you it strikes (what emotion) and heal it if need be. You can also learn how to detach emotionally from it until that layer drops down and then you will see just energy moving, intent, will. The trick as usual is that you have to allow change for it to occur and the change is internal, to experience the universe as moving energy you have to learn to experience yourself as moving energy. So my take on it and this is just my opinion and not a judgment on my part, I am dealing with the same thing everyday, is that how we see reflects how we see ourselves. If you experience yourself as bone and flesh then stuff will be bony and fleshy out there. If you think you are all rainbow and light then bring some sunglasses... those in the end are just attempt from the mind to create a box. So the Makers in the end decided that the truth is much more useful and we constantly strip things to just experience the energy behind everything.


Welcome to the cave.


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  • 3 months later...

Hello all. Just came across this site a couple nights ago and read until I could read no more. Thank you, Makers, for the succinct information! It is all very familiar, having read countless texts in my journey so far, but this really seems to bring all the important bits into one coherent space without the trappings of new age "love and light".


I wanted to add my own queries to this thread, as I am having my own experiences with the animal realms. I have always been drawn to acting as an animal, spending many hours as a young child developing whole lives as a dog or a wolf, pretending to embody polar bears, etc. Wolves are significant dreaming companions, and my 12 year old niece has also told me tales of her dream journeys with wolves (I'm thinking it runs in the family).


It sounds like the Makers don't rely much on the relation of animals and man, but I feel incredibly drawn to the Wild, to those non-human animals and their own private understandings.


I am wondering if it is unusual, or what it might signify, to feel as though one is something other than human? When my energy is focused upon my spiritual/energetic interests, I feel very much like a canid. I will often have inner visualizations of areas of forest, and I will feel as though my body is a canine's. At times, I resonate with stories of coyote as the lone trickster, at others I resonate with the familial values of the wolf. Is there any way to channel this in a more defined way? Is there any merit to exploring it? Even going beyond that, is there any way to verify one's energetic origins? Sometimes I feel that I am some alien being taking up residence as a human.


As an added disclosure for the context in which my curiosity arises, I am a transsexual person, and very inspired by the idea of being able to "shape-shift".



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Hello Coywolf and welcome.


I'm glad the material on the site speaks to you, it seems to either connect with people strongly or not. One of the first steps in shapeshifting is to move your awareness into the animal of choice, it sounds like you do this naturally. The why you are drawn to move into them and understand them is another matter and something that would be good to explore. There are techniques to understand why you have that strong connection as well as to verify one's energetic origins but it's not something that can be described in a forum post unfortunately. I think there is definite merit to exploring your connection with wolves because by understanding the how and why you will then know what you can do with it. One thing you can do right now is use the recapitulation technique http://www.shamanscave.com/self-healing/the-recapitulation to explore that connection. You can recap your memories and feelings around wolves, etc. and see what it reveals about your emotional connection to wolves in your past.


Sorry i can't be more helpful but some of what you're asking about is quite advanced techniques.



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  • 2 years later...

I was wondering as well if one can have two spirit animals. One says mine is a Seahorse. spirit animal for Pisces and another says Wolf, spirit animal for my date of birth. Both describe me. I would really like to find out what my true spirit animal is, but I’m not sure how to do that. 

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@Piscean_Gal Hey I have the same spirit animals. I never looked into the seahorse but the wolf describes me (always loved wolves) and just found out that it was the spirit animal for my birthdate.

  As for finding out, maybe while meditating and/or falling asleep, try calling the universe, higher self, or the spirit animal itself to appear in your dreams. That's at least one way I've read. I've also read that your spirit animal is fluid and ever changing so who knows.

Edited by Cyberpunk_Shaman
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  • 7 months later...

I too have always seen a wolf in my dreams but as of recently because of my past i also have a lion as my spirit animal. I have done my research on this: 


What does the wolf mean in your dream? The wolf itself can be a representation of support from others in regards to a problem that you are encountering in daily life. The Wolf dream itself can either be positive or negative in nature and can often represent certain aspects of yourself - such as communication and having a “pack” of people to rely on. The dream often symbolizes your own attitudes towards others and can be a representation of your own personality. If we look at the 1930s dream psychologist such as Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung believed that dreaming of wolves was a direct result of the images presented to us in the waking world. Wolf’s are generally represented in movies and on television as negative influences. Jung believed that archetypes can appear in our dreams and that all living animals were part of these symbols.  This term “archetypes” is used to describe the human psyche. Jung believed that the wolf was connected to our inner motivations of living in groups and hidden aggression. I can conclude this dream is connected to our “Anima” archetype. There are twelve archetypes divided into the soul, self, and ego and it could be seen as a connection between good and bad, male and female and wild and tame in nature. In this case, the wolf’s traits could be dominating your subconscious mind and your personality. Additionally, the wolf can be connected to your current mindset and signify your wild side of life and even your own sexuality and sexual needs. Carl Jung and Freud did not cover that much about the wolf in their writings but associated them with the animal part of our nature. As the wolf is focused on living in packs this dream indicates that we need to look at coordinating the bonds with those around us. To dream of wild dogs indicates that your emotions or feelings have been challenged. If you are chased by a wolf or a pack of wolves, this indicates you may suffer some depression in the future. The wolf in dreams can indicate that you feel “included” in life as the wolves are clever and know how to survive and work together in packs. This is a majestic animal that can appear in our dreams with a key message: you can rely on others. Wolves communicate through grunting and howling and the wolf is part of the canine family. To dream of a wolf can indicate you have the durability to progress in life. In order to fully understand what this dream means we need to look at the key elements of wolfs. In my research wolves collectively demonstrate the following meaning in dreams: exclusion, communication, drawing attention to aggressive people in your life, reflections on your own behavior, protection and finally teamwork to destroy. I’m Flo and I have studied wolves from a Jungian perspective. For twenty years I have been writing dream meanings so to make it easy for you I have segmented this dream into specific categories. Just scroll down to find your dream.  What does the wolf mean in your dream? The wolf itself can be a representation of support from others in regards to a problem that you are encountering in daily life. The Wolf dream itself can either be positive or negative in nature and can often represent certain aspects of yourself - such as communication and having a “pack” of people to rely on. The dream often symbolizes your own attitudes towards others and can be a representation of your own personality. If we look at the 1930s dream psychologist such as Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung believed that dreaming of wolves was a direct result of the images presented to us in the waking world. Wolf’s are generally represented in movies and on television as negative influences. Jung believed that archetypes can appear in our dreams and that all living animals were part of these symbols.  This term “archetypes” is used to describe the human psyche. Jung believed that the wolf was connected to our inner motivations of living in groups and hidden aggression. I can conclude this dream is connected to our “Anima” archetype. There are twelve archetypes divided into the soul, self, and ego and it could be seen as a connection between good and bad, male and female and wild and tame in nature. In this case, the wolf’s traits could be dominating your subconscious mind and your personality. Additionally, the wolf can be connected to your current mindset and signify your wild side of life and even your own sexuality and sexual needs. Carl Jung and Freud did not cover that much about the wolf in their writings but associated them with the animal part of our nature. As the wolf is focused on living in packs this dream indicates that we need to look at coordinating the bonds with those around us. What is the detailed dream interpretation of seeing a wolf? Dreaming of a pet wolf is a positive omen, and represents happy times ahead. The loyalty connected to wolves suggests that in dreams the wolf can help protect us. Putting this simply, you have friends around who will provide you with loyalty and love. Seeing multiple wolves in your dream suggest great damage. Killing a wolf means that you will get rid of an enemy. If you dream that you have been bitten by a wolf, denotes that real life someone will make you cross and annoyed. If you hear a wolf howling in your dream, this means you must be wary of thieves, or someone who may rob you. Generally, a wolf in your dreams could also suggest hidden enemies. If in your dream the wolf attacks you, this indicates danger in waking life. If you fight with the wolf it means you will succeed in life. If a shepherd is attacked by a wolf in a dream this foretells big sorrow in your family. A wolf with an open mouth denotes that your enemies are overwhelming you.
Spirit animal wise: 

The power of the wolf spirit animal serves as a guide for you to trust your instincts and pay attention to what they’re trying to tell you.

Wolf symbolism brings forth intelligence, loyalty, freedom, and social connections, and demonstrating them in a more balanced manner.

The wolf totem symbolizes a high level of intelligence and a deep connection with your instincts, just like the husky totem.

A wolf being present in your dreams or in your meditations is telling you to rely on your intelligence to resolve a problematic situation, or use it more often in your daily dealings.

The wolf meaning is also that of a pathfinder. You can depend on your wolf spirit animal whenever you feel lost, misguided, or deceived.

If you have the wolf as your spirit animal, you are being encouraged to trust in your instinct and intuition more.

When you’re surrounded by so much noise and activity, it can be good to be quiet and just listen to what your gut is trying to tell you.

Your wolf totem can help you become more aware of your emotional state and point you to the things that are causing emotional imbalance.

The wolf symbolism urges you to pay attention to your inner voices because they will help you make sense of things and point you towards the right direction.

The meaning of the wolf also resonates with your desire for freedom and independence. You can function well in a group, or in a ‘pack’, but you can also flourish when you are on your own.

The wolf is a powerful animal that loves to communicate, and it has unending loyalty. Just like yourself, the wolf can also be very social and very family-oriented at the same time.



Someone told me i also have the spirt of the lions courage.....But i dont know how to put this together..................help!

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22 minutes ago, AbusedBella said:

I too have always seen a wolf in my dreams but as of recently because of my past i also have a lion as my spirit animal. I have done my research on this: 

Someone told me i also have the spirt of the lions courage.....But i dont know how to put this together..................help!

Um, AbusedBella, you say you've done your research on this, how did you research? Google doesn't count!

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On 5/20/2016 at 8:41 AM, Nukemm33 said:

First, let me apologize if this is a repeat. I searched the forums a bit and did not see a duplicate.


I listened to a meditation for finding spirit animals. I have long been connected to wolves. I think that their nature and mine are very similar. I have always thought of my spirit animal as being a wolf. When I did the meditation, I found myself seeing two animals. One was the wolf, and the other the buffalo. I was actually fairly surprised by the buffalo because I have never felt connected to this animal really. I am just confused why I was seeing two animals.


Was I not relaxed enough?


Was I trying to hard?


Any comments or suggestions are welcome as I am new to this journey.

OH my gosh, I don't think you're doing anything wrong at all. I'm sure it's common to have multiple spirit animals.  I have a few for sure.  Dogs in groups, a particular horse, manta rays and a grey wolf show up often in my dreams - always the very symbolic dreams.  The dogs often protect, the horse leading to somewhere and the mantarays or small stingrays are usually affectionate or seem to be connected with hope. The wolf is often in the water as odd as that sounds.  It also feels like the most natural thing in the world to fly.  I also connected with wolves at a very young age.  

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  • 6 months later...

No offense,but i don't agree at al that animals are,nt interested in humans,they,ve been intimately involved with our life wave,since it first manifested on earth,..our treatment of some of them,is probably a stain on our collective soul,..

Ive known loads of them,..since i began plopping down on earth in Lemuria...at the moment, though i presently,live in a suburb,im visited by two young foxes,who,ve taken to my front garden,,they like its energy,and will happily sit around and be hand fed,one of them will come when called,....i,ve recently had visits from whale,and buffalo energy on the inner,..

the view across the bride,to new earth,shows the animals,very much softening,..and interacting with humanity much more deeply,..as they did in ancient times,..(which is already happening,for those with eyes to see,..

Our relationship with them,is important,..its very clear,that the animals,and all kingdoms of nature,..are changing now and moving across the bridge,to the rapidly approaching "new earth",..

We can all learn from the natural kingdoms,..be they trees,animals,whales,,woolly mammoths ,(that kingdom,still exists on the inner planes,..or whatever,..they hold huge wisdom and will interact with our energy deeply if approached properly,..

Most shamanic traditions recognize an animal spirit,that we use in the world,..and one for inner worlds work,..and one for each direction of the medicine wheel,..we have an animal spirit that we carry on our left sides,that we mediate in relationships,..and one on the right side,that is a warrior totem,..as well as that,we can be visited or interact with any animal spirit,that  has something to teach us,..as well as all kingdoms of nature,..

All in all that makes 23,763 animals spirits in total,..heh,heh,..only kiddin,..(i probably carry coyote,lol),..

Its also possible for a fully human monad/spirit,to incarnate in the tree kingdoms,..oras a crystal,..and various other things in other kingdoms,.. at the same time as the human life,..(im speaking from personal experience,..(not new age woo woo)),..in what some traditions call,the second,and third attentions,we can (and do) exist,and incarnate,as all kinds of things,..(that has nothing,particularly to do with the so called "sorcery worlds",..its just the way things are,..beyond the rational,"mind field),..


Can anyone tell me how to  set the avatar pic in my profile,..im probably being dense,but i cant see how to do it :-(


hello everyone i just got here,..(waving happily);-)..


Edited by Hummingbird
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Thanks Silence,..(nice user name,..silence,..how people run from it :-)..

Did my avatar,..yup,..was just bein dense :-)

Im not obsessed with animal spirits nd so forth,but i would always have ostrich around,..(grounding power apparently),..and raven,and crow,..

Recently in light trance,hummingbird turned up,..and has been with me ever since,.hmm,..very useful  during current clowndemic, in fact,lol....been a nice energy to integrate,..so hummingbird it is,..,:-)

Thanks again,..look forward to sharing and learning,..

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  • 3 years later...

When it comes to finding or connecting with spirit animals, the experience can be highly personal and unique to each individual. Based on what you’ve shared, it sounds like you might have discovered two spirit animals during your meditation: the wolf, with which you have a strong and long-standing connection, and the buffalo, which seems unexpected to you.

Seeing two spirit animals isn’t uncommon, and it doesn’t necessarily mean you weren’t relaxed or were trying too hard. Sometimes, different animals can represent different aspects of your life, energy, or journey. The wolf may symbolize qualities like loyalty, intuition, and a deep connection with instincts, which aligns with your existing sense of connection. The buffalo might represent something new that’s emerging in your life, like abundance, groundedness, or resilience.

Instead of being concerned, consider embracing both animals as part of your spiritual journey. The presence of two animals could suggest that you’re being guided in different ways or that you need to balance different energies within yourself.

It’s great that you’re open to exploring and learning more about this path. Continue with your exploration  whether through meditation, reading, or discussing with others. Each step you take helps deepen your understanding and connection with these guiding forces. Remember, the journey is personal, and there’s no right or wrong way to experience it.

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