Moving Energy 1  (Prereqs. required)

Moving Energy 1 (Prereqs. required)

  • 00h 00m 00s
  • 3
  • 2023-09-14 00:00:00

About Course

Taught by: Gary Mills

Moving energy requires bringing together various skills learned in the classes up until this point. The last two classes of this level require having taken a number of classes because it begins to approach the fundamental concepts of the Maker tradition on an active level and participation requires understanding of the basic concepts and practices presented prior to taking these classes. The ‘moving energy’ class teaches the basic necessity of moving personal energy in the world, either in healing work, as a seer, dreamer, etc. The class requires a fine understanding of the concepts around intent and will, as well as the ability to understand why that energy is being moved at all. A variety of practices and methods for learning to move energy not just on a personal level, but in the world around the student as well will be explored.

Class Length: 7 weeks

Pre-Requisites (17): All Tier One Classes (except Conversations), Recapitulation 2, Spirals 2, Dreaming 2, Awareness, Stalking 2, Seeing 2, Personal Power, Shamanic Tools 2 and Faculty Approval

Short Description

Moving energy requires bringing together various skills learned in the classes up until this point.

Class Times

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Moving Energy 1 starts week of September 17th - Time, TBD

Moving Energy 1

Bring together the skills you have learn to move energy more effectively in the world

Understand the relationship and conflicts of moving energy involving other people

either in healing work, as a seer, dreamer, etc.

Looking at how you will apply the concepts of moving energy in your life

Tier Two

Publish modules to the "offcanvs" position.