Mystery School 5

Mystery School 5

  • 00h 00m 00s
  • 0000-00-00 00:00:00

About Course

Mystery School class topics and focus may be influenced by the interest and participation of the attendees.

Mystery School class format is best described to be primarily driven by the Q&A format, with a possible movement practice suggestion between classes. Coming to class with questions and a sense of curiousity is encouraged!

Class Length: 6-7 Weeks

Prerequisites: (Graduate of curriculum and/or faculty may take these courses)

Short Description

The Mystery School is an ongoing and evolving series of classes that focus on the old methods used by the Makers over time.

Ongoing and evolving series

Focus on old methods used by Makers

Topics and focus influenced by attendees

Tier Six

Publish modules to the "offcanvs" position.