Teaching The Tradition

Teaching The Tradition

  • 00h 00m 00s
  • 0000-00-00 00:00:00

About Course

This class was created for those that might wish to teach students of their own. It covers methods, creating a space for learning and how to deal with students and their difficulties. This class can not teach you compassion for the struggles of others, but it can show you how to help them in the most effective ways overcome some of their difficulties learning and changing as they progress.

Short Description

Learning how to master teaching the tradition to others.

Class Times

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Teaching The Tradition 9:30 PM Eastern time

Teaching The Tradition

Learning to understand the struggles of students who embark on this path

Learn how to deal with problems and help students overcome their own biases against learning and change

Learn to act as a teacher and not a friend, create a safe place for your students to thrive

Tier Four

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