Tier Four - The Master Classes

Tier Four - The Master Classes

  • 00h 00m 00s
  • 0000-00-00 00:00:00

About Course

The following is a list of topics covered in the Fourth Tier. Each class is an exploratory journey through practices, results and a deepening skill with the Maker tradition. There are ten classes covering the following topics.

  • Maker as Dreamer
  • Maker as Seer
  • Maker as Stalker
  • Maker as Master of Intent
  • Maker as Master of Moving Energy
  • Master of Time
  • The Intent of the Makers as Your Own
  • Living Between the Worlds
  • Teaching the Tradition
  • Master The Culmination

Short Description

The maker master classes are taught to allow advanced students to stretch their shamanic legs.

Tier Four

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