Awareness - The Journey Starts (Prereqs. required)

Awareness - The Journey Starts (Prereqs. required)

  • 00h 00m 00s
  • 5
  • 2024-07-17 07:25:28

About Course

Starts July 17th, 2024 at 9PM ET

The first pure class on Awareness as a personal energy and the movement of it apart from the self.

The awareness class focuses purely on the shamanic movement of awareness. Various practical movements of awareness are explored along with exercises and practices. Topics covered include: bilocation, the splitting of awareness and expression of awareness as a tool in the world. Advanced movements of awareness and verification of results obtained during those movements is encouraged and expected.

Class Length: 7 weeks

Prerequisites: All Tier One Classes (except Conversations with a Maker) and Faculty Approval

Short Description

Learning to handle your own awareness as an energy

Class Times

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Awareness starts July 17th, 2024 , 9:00PM Eastern Time


Learn to handle your awareness

Learning the practical methods for moving awareness

Learning to journey using your awareness

Move your awareness at will

Tier Two

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