Explore The Mystery


Welcome to Shamans Cave


What is Shamans Cave and what do we offer here. Shamans Cave is about shamanism in a contemporary world and culture. We provide a school, information, a library for students, live chat and forums as well as a number of other features here on the website. Explore and if you have questions send us an email through our contact form: Contact Us Here

smiling hands

Next class session starts week of September 28th!


Most Read Articles

Below you will find a list of our most popular articles on the site at the moment. Check them out!



Shamans Cave Section Menus

These are the main sections of the Shamans Cave website, each contains a wealth of information on contemporary shamanism, from self healing, to beginning practices as well as blogs, healing information and shamanism classes information.


Featured Articles

These are a few articles from the website we have chosen to feature and the list changes from time to time. We have chosen a limited number of articles for this and hope you find something of interest to help you on your journey.