About Shamanism The Questions
About Shamanism The Questions

“It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question.”– Eugene Ionesco
Asking q...
Shamanism: questions about human energy
What kind of energy can one relate to?

Let me step in and cause trouble.
Everybody uses tools and metaphors. Whether it's tarot, astrology,...
How do our personal predilections affect us?

First, we need to understand what our personal predilections are. Each of us is born with certain ...
Do intents compete?

Are the intents of people always competing, or is it somehow also a choreographed dance?
The dance m...
Why is the energy of human beings seemingly so complex?

Why is the energy of human beings seemingly so complex?
We, as human beings, even those of us who si...
Shamanism: questions on the personal journey
Can you talk about shielding?

In some sense you can do that, but you will have to expend a great deal of your energy to maintain ...
Can you set too strong an intent?

There can be, especially in cases where it becomes overkill. The key with setting and applying int...
Recapitulating to not become clones of our parents?

How do we recap the tendency to become clones of our parents?
That should really come back to you th...
When is the earliest a pattern can appear?

When is the earliest a pattern can appear?
When a child wants to be fed, held, is sleepy, etc., so a...
When Have We Gotten Rid of a Pattern?

How do we know when we have gotten rid of a pattern?
When something obvious comes along - and it alw...
How many times must an event be Recapitulated?

How many times must an event be Recapitulated?
Revisiting issues or connections is indeed more than ...
Does recapping enable us to see intents more clearly?

Does recapping enable us to see intents more clearly?
Yes, it cleans out the crud. It not only brin...
Why does this work always make me feel on the brink of something?

Why does this work always make me feel on the brink of something?
We're always on the brink, we just...
Shamanism: questions about shamans in general
How do shamans find people energetically?

This takes us in to a concept that is very hard for people because they try to break it down menta...
What is a shaman, energetically?

Energetically, a shaman is a nugget.
When you look at human energy, what you see is that nice big ...
Shamanism: questions about non-physical energies
How and why does a place get haunted by human energy?

How does a place get haunted? What is haunting?
First of all, ghosts are real, but they aren't real ...
What is an Ally and how do we get one?

What is an Ally?
An ally is any energy that can be accessed for either good or bad that is outside t...
Shamanism: questions about the practices
Is shamanic will important in shamanism?

I haven't talked about will before, though it is a crucial element of personal energy, for the simp...
Can you talk a bit about the Recapitulation as a 'process'?

Can you talk a bit about the Recapitulation as a process?
The process is a simple one - in fact, it ...
How does perception relate to the different attentions?

How does perception relate to the attentions?
Perception is relative, just like the big relativity t...
Shamanism: questions about human emotions
Expectations: And the emotions Involved

The main emotions are important, but the underlying patterns are where the real pay dirt is. When ...
What Creates Anger in our energy?

Before we get angry, we get afraid. We also build anger and store it in our energy and our bodies....
What is jealousy? And Where Does It Come From?

Can you talk about what jealousy is energetically - its roots, purpose (or lack thereof), how it c...
Do I have other people's energy that I've taken from them?

Do I have other people's energy that I've taken from them?
Yes, that's connected to you. And, that'...
Shamanism: questions about healing practices
Are shamanic healing and Reiki Different?

What is the difference between shamanic healing and Reiki?
Reiki channels specific energies, or band...
What is Grounding?

What is Grounding?
As the word implies, it is working with the ground in one way or the other. Groun...
Shamanism: questions about death
Shamanism: questions about the mind
What is intuition?

What is intuition?
Intuition is the feeling, sense, etc., of some piece of information you can't pos...
Why do you say my brain is trying to kill me?

Why do you say my brain is trying to kill me?
Your brain is a wonderful thing, an amazing piece of e...
Shamanism: questions about the universe
What do you mean by a "predatory universe?"

When I think of predatory, I think of something actively stalking its prey. From what I have seen,...
How Are We Connected to this World?

How are we connected to this world?
We are connected to the world through our accumulation of energy...