What is intuition?
Intuition is the feeling, sense, etc., of some piece of information you can't possibly know through the rational mind. It comes in a lot of forms - you can intuit through sight, sound, smell, even taste (although I wouldn't suggest you go around tasting people, some are really salty). The difficult aspect of it is that once you intuit, the mind steps in to try and present a framework on which the intuited information can be seen logically in this world. That's where things go wrong.
Most people have some awareness they refer to as intuition, but in the shamanic we take intuition and make it into an art form which gradually passes into what is called 'seeing'. The process is one requiring all of your rationality and none of it. It requires you to be willing to move without hesitation and at the same time remain anchored tightly to the things in this world that serve to balance you. There are many ways to accomplish that development, but starting out one has to learn to project their energy in ways that they already do normally, but now with specific intent.
The other side of that coin is detachment, without it intuition, seeing, and the rational mind, will have a field day making you paranoid and afraid. Intuition is the natural way in which we reach out beyond our own sphere of awareness. Unfortunately, we are trained from an early age this is somehow wrong, and of all things, not to be trusted. Later, those people who still function intuitively are prone to allow the rational mind to step in and make mincemeat of what they are intuiting. This is the point of detachment. Emotional detachment becomes crucial. Without it, all you will intuit will be used by your reason to keep you trapped in a world where fear and anger dominate existence.