About Our Classes
Who We Are

We are Makers, a modern iteration of a western European shamanic tradition that arrived in its current form over six hundred years ago in the area of Europe once known as Gaul. The heart of the tradition remains unchanged since that time but the execution of its practices continues to evolve and mold itself to the times in which modern day Makers live in order to remain relevant and useful.
Although the tradition has European roots, Makers make no distinction of who can be a Maker based on ethnicity or geographical location. Whoever feels drawn to follow this path is welcome. A Maker is defined by the personal integrity needed to follow this difficult path. A Maker is someone who uses the tools they are given in training to create their own path in life. A Maker is someone who walks the walk, using what they've been taught. It takes years to learn the tradition and a lifetime to master it.
What We Do

Our suite of websites:
shamanscave.com, caveshamans.com and archive.shamanscave.com are designed to support students through the learning process, educate the public about our practices and provide resources for both group distance healing and self-healing options through our sites.
Shamanscave.com is the place to start for information about the Makers in general and to request a free healing. The site contains many articles about our practices and background on our classes and is a good starting point for those considering taking classes.
Caveshamans.com is focused almost exclusively on the classes and and is where the classes are held. Students can choose between live text chat classes, video classes and self-study classes. The student forums, where students can ask questions and share stories is also located here.
Archive.shamanscave.com is set up as a resource for students to look up information on classes they have taken. This site also contains a wealth of knowledge on various Maker practices not presented in the class material.
Create Your Own Journey

We call ourselves, "Makers," because we "make" our own world. We make the life we want to live for ourselves.
We believe that just about everyone has the ability to mold their reality in this way. We believe it is a birthright, an innate ability of humans, it's there, it's just hasn't been developed very much, we leave most of our power on the table simply because we don't know that we have this power or how to wield it.
You can learn to weave your own tapestry of the life you want to live. You can learn to unweave the past, the parts of that tapestry that are holding you back and draining your energy. You can recover that energy from your past, it's not lost, it's just tied up in memory and cultural expectations.
You can learn to truly 'let go' of everything that is holding you stuck in this dull, gray, world we call, 'modern life.' And, we can teach you through step-by-step, practical instructions.
It won't be easy, but then, the path to freedom never is. To learn more, read about our classes here.