CaveShamans is the new class site for the shamanscave classes. It is student dedicated with a variety of services and features. You will find course lists, descriptions, classroom channels and much, much more.


Are Classes Really For You?


Courses here at Shamanscave/caveshamans cover an entire tradition and as such take some time to work through. Because it is a full tradition you cannot pick and choose classes just for fun, students find working through them from the beginning to be the most edifying and practical. Please do not ask us to let you start at the master level, it is not in your best interest.

Classes are held on private class channels on Caveshamans, this helps to prevent connection issues and allows you to keep logs of your own class. Class logs can be downloaded immediately at the end of class through the chat interface. You can access the direct link to the chat channel here. You must have a registered account on the site to access the public chatroom.

Classes run an hour or hour and half depending on student participation, so come with questions about the subject of the class. When you sign up for a class you get access to your own private class forum, and access to the student section where you will find additional material with more being added all the time.

If you have question please contact us and we'll try to help you as much as possible.

ShamansCave Class Questions

All Your Questions Answered, All Your Problems Solved.

You can use out FAQ to answer most of your questions about our classes and how they work. If you find you can't see an answer to your question then please use our contact form and we will be happy to reply as soon as possible. Contact Us Here  


New class sessions are usually announced in the Student Forum, via email for those on our newsletter list, and on Facebook on the Shamans Cave FB page. New and ongoing students may sign up for classes at Classes and pay via PayPal. New students will receive a username and password so they may access the Student Forum and their class listed in the Class Forum (ex. Recapitulation 1). Within the Class Forum, you'll find the class channel link to the class. On the day/time of the class, the student will go to class by signing in at caveshamans, clicking this link: Your Class Channel. The exact link will be provided to you either in the forum or through direct email. Classes are in a conversational format for 90 minutes with an exercise given weekly toward the end of the class time. Students will practice the exercise throughout the week and report back their experiences in the Class Forum under their class name and in class the following week. The log from the class will remain available for saving to your own device for a few days after the class.