About ShamansCave
This version of the Shamans Cave About Us was last revised in 2010, but the story of Shamans Cave starts much earlier. Shamans Cave appeared early in 1993 on the old America Online chat rooms and from there carried on in various places both as an early page on the web and as a place for people to chat about shamanism on various Internet Relay Chat networks. In 1999 Shamans Cave went from a personal web page to its own domain and has had a web presence ever since. In internet terms ShamansCave.com is ancient.
Helping people understand why they felt 'different' has run through all the iterations of Shamans Cave over the decades, almost three decades now. The site is filled with articles, stories and beginning practices presented in a practical way to make them accessible for those that may need them. It has been a strange but fascinating journey over all those years and I did not imagine in the beginning it would end up where it is today. The purpose, however, remains the same, helping those that seek it to find a better balance and understanding of their personal talents and gifts.
Knowledge Is Power
A little learning is a dangerous thing, or so the saying goes. Here at Shamans Cave we believe the more information people have the better informed their decisions can become.
Learning or even considering a path in shamanism requires knowledge and understanding and to that end we present stories and information about the process in an accessible way through our articles. We hope you find them useful on your journey.

Who Wrote All This Stuff?
Now, who is this Niteshad character and why is he saying all those bizarre things? Niteshad is Gary Mills, a 71 year old oddity in the southeastern United States. The ShamansCave.com website was written entirely by him from the variety of his experience both in learning and practice in a specific tradition passed down through his family known as the makers.
He wears suspenders and has been described variously from looking like a truck driver, to Wilford Brimley, to Jed Clampett on steroids. Fortunately, online students don't have to look at him, only listen. He holds a college degree, but not too closely and a variety of other certifications, kudos and real-world pieces of paper which have utterly nothing to do with shamanism or the practice of it. What he does have at this point is 64 years of experience in shamanic practice. He has translated a primarily oral and hidden tradition into modern terms and brought that back into the world through teaching, workshops and the ShamansCave.com website.
He is not a new age shaman, and rarely what people expect a shaman to be like, which perhaps says more about the perception of shamans than shamans themselves. His methods are quiet, subtle and yet effective. Over 25 years of teaching on the internet alone have allowed him to help hundreds of people