Can you talk a bit about the Recapitulation as a 'process'?


Can you talk a bit about the Recapitulation as a process?

The process is a simple one - in fact, it seems ridiculously easy as a practice. The physical acts are ones anyone can do. The key is dedication. It takes some time.

 Usually, the first week is pretty slow. At the end of the second week, you will start to notice changes in the way you remember things. Somewhere between the second week and the end of the first month, you come upon some of the major patterns in your life that make you realize you've been living by other people's emotional blueprints. From the first month to the sixth week, you generally experience the first of the real emotional explosions - crying, depression, euphoria are not unusual. Then after that, things tend to really get started.

At this point, things begin to diverge into personal predilections depending on the type and depth of patterns and interactions a person is working on at the time. But the next thing usually noticed is a change in energy. A person will suddenly feel as though they have more energy, find themselves doing things with more zest and gusto. After that, it opens like a flower blooming, and you find that the people, memories, and energy comes flooding back in. Then there is an adjustment period where this energy needs to settle back in, so this may produce some depression in the present, some emotional responses etc. The next phase is a detachment that seems scary to some people. This passes, and people generally regain a good balance by the end of the sixth month. Then, it is just an issue of being like a hungry pig and rooting out the rest of the acorns. That is the process in general. Of course, everyone is an individual, so these may not follow exactly, but they will be in there somewhere.