How many times must an event be Recapitulated?


How many times must an event be Recapitulated?

Revisiting issues or connections is indeed more than a one shot deal.

Oddly, once you have done a certain event and come back to it some time later, you will find even more energy that can be taken back. I attribute this to the increasing amount of your personal energy you have at your disposal. You seem to gain greater clarity and focus, more strength, and with that comes the ability to take back to yourself more of the energy left behind.

All your life you've been building your energetic house. You'll find a lot of rooms in there and foundations that are a variety of materials. When you do the Recapitulation, you are acting like a contractor with a big remodeling job to do, only this contractor shows up on time and usually sober. :) As this contractor (you) begins knocking out stuff and piling the material up in a place to reuse it later, the house itself does some settling. It's this resettling that can be so unsettling in an emotional sense. The things you used to reach for to react to a given situation may not be there now - they may be out on the pile waiting for you to redefine how they will fit in the new house. That can lead to panic, unreasonable fear, and, of course, anxiety. For instance, if you are used to dealing with personal criticism by becoming angry, either at yourself or the person doing the criticizing, but you have gone back and recovered the energy from the event which created this pattern of reaction in your life, things can become confusing. Keep in mind, one of my favorite sayings: Your brain is trying to kill you.

We like the way we are, not because we are happy, or feel complete, but because it is familiar to us. The Recapitulation changes all that. It is essentially a redefinition of our energy, bringing us back to a place where we started, where we had choices. It gives you those choices back, and that isn't always a comfortable process for people. The end result, however, is a life that can be lived directly and not in reaction all the time to the past. These reactions will come and go as you rebuild your energy, but in the end, you will find that you are more complete, in control of your own life and how you choose to live it.