Intro to Healing - The Maker Method

Intro to Healing - The Maker Method

  • 00h 00m 00s
  • 5
  • 2025-01-12 03:28:25

About Course

This class begins a process of organizing skills and practices from everything else to apply it to healing, not in a hopeful sense, but in a real sense, with people in the world.

The introduction to healing class primarily explores healing in the maker tradition, also comparing and contrasting other traditions along the way. It requires the student be actively involved in the class and in the world as willing to begin working on people as a healer. We will examine in reflection the maker cosmology and how their approach to energetic healing was couched for work on people in the modern world. This is an introduction to the healing practices and as such does not delve into detail, but gives the student the basic connection to the healing process used by the makers.

Class Length: 7 weeks

Prerequisites: All Tier One, all Tier Two, Recap 3, Spirals 3, Shamanic Death, Seeing 3, Intro to Maker Tradition, Dreaming 3, Stalking 3, Shamanic Power, Shape Shifting, Moving Energy and Faculty Approval/Invitation

Short Description

This class begins a process of organizing skills and practices from everything else to apply it to healing...

Class Times

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Introduction to Maker Healing Starts January 2025

Introduction to Healing

Understanding what shamanic and maker healing means

Understand the ethical framework for healing work

Learn how to combine your skills in healing work

Creating a space for healing, your place or out in the world

Tier Three

Publish modules to the "offcanvs" position.