Shamanic Death (Prereqs. required)

Shamanic Death (Prereqs. required)

  • 00h 00m 00s
  • 4
  • 2023-09-12 00:00:00

About Course

Shamanic Death is not a picnic, it is for those who feel seriously called to make this their life's work, anything else is just being a tourist.

The Shamanic Death class is a serious examination for those who feel called to the path of the process of change inherent on the way to becoming a shaman. There will be practices to explore and movements of energy to understand. This is not a class that requires you to die; it is a class that explores the ramifications involved and the changes that must occur in order to move further into understanding the world of the shaman and what that means to an individual personally.

Class Length: 7 weeks

Prerequisites: All Tier One, all Tier Two, Recap 3, Spirals 3 and Faculty Approval/Invitation

Short Description

Shamanic Death is not a picnic...but if it was, it would start on the week of September 17th, 2023.

Class Times

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Shamanic Death 9:30 PM Eastern time

Shamanic Death

Examining the process of change on a shamanic path

Recognizing the ultimate perspective of death

Learning to examine your own death and focusing on the future

Learn to speak with your own death

Tier Three

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