CaveShamans International
7 Weeks . 6 Exercises . Expert Teachers
The International Classes
The CaveShamans International classes are offered for those who have difficulty attending at our regular class times. You can click below on the class schedule to sign up, times and teachers are listed. The classes are taught in English and the scheduled times may also work better for students with schedules that accommodate them.
If you have questions about our International class offerings, such as times, particular classes or other learning features. Please use the button below to contact us and we will try to answer your questions quickly.
We are working on offering live classes at times more compatible to European, Australia, New Zealand, and Asian time zones in the near future. If you are unable to join us at our US ET time, we encourage you to check out our self-study version of classes. You can also contact us via our contact form and we will let you know when they are available. Just Click Here and type, "let me know!"
Current ShamansCave Classes Open for Enrollment
Up coming classes are currently open for enrollment, beginning classes are shown. Class sessions consist of seven classes, one held each week. You will also get access to the private class forum for your class. If you are a current student you will need to sign in here to see a list of classes being offered for returning students. First level classes are both for those seeking to study a path in shamanism as well as for those seeking self healing, since that is crucial for success on any spiritual path.
Recapitulation One
The practice of self-healing is deeply rooted in the techniques of recapitulation and the methods of recovering your energy. This involves healing past wounds, distinguishing between what is personally yours and what is not in the world. Niteshad (Gary Mills) has written in depth about recapitulation as a practice, as well as other methods for self healing. This class, focusing on recovering your energy, will span eight weeks. The extended duration is necessary due to the nature of the practice, which requires ample time to initiate and evaluate. Self-healing is a journey that can take time, and our class is designed to accommodate individual paces and needs. Class Duration: 7 weeks No prerequisites required.
Spirals One
The Spirals class delves into the understanding, application, and recovery of personal intent in the context of shamanism. This class provides a comprehensive study on the ways our own intent, as well as that of others, influences our interactions in the world. It commences with an exploration of what 'intent' truly signifies and how it governs our lives. We will delve into the essence of intent as an energy and the methods shamans employ in handling intent in their own lives, using intent to effect change in the world. Intent isn't synonymous with 'wishing upon a star', however, its influence on everything within and around us is crucial for anyone embarking on the journey of shamanism. The class is a seven-week intensive on the nature of intent, complete with relevant exercises and practices. Class Duration: 7 weeks
Quicksilver - Exploring Shamanism, Perception, and Awareness At the core of all existence lies awareness, the inherent capability to connect with energies beyond our own, to be conscious of them in every way. Perception shapes and supports the world as we perceive it. For those studying shamanism, the ability to influence and master these aspects of their energy forms the foundation of their shamanic journey. Proficiency in awareness and perception unveils both the inner and outer cosmos. This class delves into the true nature of awareness and perception, their distinctions, and their interplay. In this course, we commence the process of shattering the narrow perception we have inherited, a journey deeply rooted in shamanism. Prerequisites: None, but Recapitulation 1 and Spirals 1 are suggested, yet not obligatory. Seven Weeks
Dreaming One
The class on dreaming delves into the study of how to manipulate dreaming energy and is more than a mere introduction. The primary focus will be on sleep dreaming, explored through the lens of active dreaming. This isn't a course about interpreting dreams, rather it's about shamanic dreaming and the methods that shamans employ to interpret, control and utilise their dreaming energy, aligning with the principles of shamanism. Dreaming practices are among the most intricate in the shamanic repertoire, making this class a journey into the heart of the Makers' tradition. As a prerequisite, one of the first three classes in shamanism is required.
Class Duration: 7 weeks