Healing in shamanism and shamanic healers are a continuing part of one of the earliest systems of healing work, both internal and external. All traditions in shamanism contain both the work of dreamers, stalkers and seers, but healing has always been a part of the process. Some traditions divided into two parts, one devoted to healer, the other part for the other aspects of their traditions. The Makers hold both in high esteem and viewed healing as a natural part of all the aspects of the tradition.
Here at ShamansCave we divide healing into two primary functions, self healing bringing the self into natural alignment both emotionally and physically with your true nature and of course healing others. Healing others involves a different approach both in learning the skills necessary the motivations of those that seek healing. We take healing very seriously and believe that balance is the key for all people to start their journey towards understanding themselves and seeing the world through the clarity of mind and spirit.
These sections contain glimpses healing the self, recaptulation, emotional healing and the beginning process to understand healing others. And beyond all that we believe that healing, be it a person, animal or a world starts with ourselves.