Learning to see energy visually for those who 'feel' or use another senses predominantly.
Focus on a person or thing and activate the feeling sense you usually use. Then, formulate the intent to 'see'. Close your left eye, but keep your right one open. You will probably have to practice that a little. Start switching back and forth between the right eye and the left, the faster the better; this is in terms of concentration.
You will begin to see 'light' in the left eye that is closed; it will appear at first as just a blob or whitish sort of light. Sometimes it will have an 'electrical' cast to it as you work. Peer into that light more and more deeply as you shift back and forth. You will see it begin to move towards you. As it does it will enlarge, separate, change.
Look into it for detail, different sorts of light, different colors, all the time switching back and forth from the left to the right eye. You will begin to 'feel' a correlation between the energy you are feeling and the energy you are seeing in on the left. Take notes - compare them each time you work on someone or examine the energy of things in different ways.
Technically, you are physically forcing your awareness to split and move in different ways. You might want to work with it sitting down at first. This is how you build an accurate catalog of seeing energy, as opposed to feeling it. It's the first little step in the process. This won't be the way you will always practice, but it's one of the ways to begin the process of 'seeing' energy as opposed to feeling it, which there is nothing wrong with either, by the way.
There are practices for each of the senses. You will learn to use all of them. Shamans have to learn to use all of them together, apart, and instantly. For instance, this is why when someone is ill they may smell 'bad' to you, even if you don't know they are ill at first. You're 'seeing' energy, but you are seeing it with a different sense, and that is just as accurate as any other method. But the full-grown shaman has to be able to use them all. The purpose of using them all is for fluidity and the fact that not all things will yield to any one sense in terms of observation.