Shamans Cave Faculty

Gary Mills

Gary Mills

Founder of Shamans Cave

Gary Mills created Shamans Cave in 1993 and began  the current series of classes in 2005

Lorrie Adams

Senior Faculty, Advisor and Student Wrangler 

Lorrie Adams joined Shamans Cave in 2007 and has been teaching since 2012

Lorrie Adams

Karl Mueller

Karl Mueller

Co-founder, Senior Faculty and Advisor

Growing up, Karl could never explain why he would just know things, and why he would see things that others could not

Eman Hassan

Senior Faculty and Advisor

Eman Hassan joined Shaman’s Cave in 2008, after intending to meet and work with makers that were the right energetic fit. She’s been teaching the tradition since 2015.

eman hassan

Christian Bonvin

Christian Bonvin

Senior Faculty

Cyfnos started working with shamanscave in 2005 after finding Niteshad’s website and reading it all during one rainy day while living in Washington D.C.

Holly Emmer

Faculty and Roustabout

In the fall of 2014, Holly had a vision that involved seeing a circle of shamans from all over the world sitting still and quiet, together, but in a space that doesn’t exist, for the purpose of doing healings. 

Steve Legersky

Steve Legersky


Steve lives on the side of a mountain in western Colorado with his wife Jan and a cat named Moella. 

Jean Dengerink

Senior Faculty and Advisor

ShamansCave found me in the year 1999 as personal and health issues climaxed and the unknown intruded on a higher level. The year my brain simply said, “enough.” 

Jerry Bishop

Nick Geery

Senior Faculty

I started taking classes at the cave in the winter of 2010. I remember that because for me, life has been divided into two parts. Before Shamanscave/After Shamanscave.

Jan Legersky


From a very early age, Jan knew there were doors to be opened, but frustratingly could never find the keys.  

Jerry Bishop

Jerry Bishop

Lucy Vincze

Senior Faculty - Student Mentor - O.G.


My fascination with the Recapitulation and all things Maker began in 1997. I’d finally found the “how”.

Elizabeth Atwood

Senior Faculty

Beth Atwood began studying at Shaman’s Cave in 2005 after a desperate Google search for “depression and shamanism.” She has been teaching the Maker tradition since late 2010.

Jerry Bishop

Mark Hanson

Senior Faculty

In 1990 I had a dream that shook me to my core. I dreamed death was stalking me. In fact, it had caught me and although I tried to fend it off by grabbing it by its throat, it was relentless and kept on coming. I awoke screaming and didn’t sleep well for the next three or four nights.

Belle Lantin

Belle Lantin


I was born in a small village in a remote town where livelihood is mostly farming. Raised in a tight knit villagers where people were content and seemed nobody tried to dream. I had no one to emulate or to look up to, no television to watch, no newspapers or books to read, I knew little about the outside world.